
On The Night:

  • Heart Bullet We are practicing at the Gore Racecourse, 132 Gore-Mataura Highway, Gore 9772


  • Heart Bullet These Yoga Classes are designed to be your Rest and Relax time, and I ask that you try and always enter class quietly, after sign in, find your mat and lie down in Savasana, Corpse pose, (on your back, eyes closed down, breath and relax) If you spot a friend, that’s lovely but please try and keep your catch ups for after class, as this is your time for quiet Rest and Relax, for some people it may be there only Rest and Relax time for the week.
  • Heart Bullet If you have injuries, are pregnant, emotional, if anything is going on for you, please remind me as you come in on the night, you will need to modify and work with where your body is at on any given night. We never want to over do, it’s all about moving, stretching, flexing, using our deep breathing to relax into poses and go deeper with time, never over doing or straining.
  • Heart Bullet If you are modifying and lying on your back at the start of class is no good, try sitting or sitting against the wall, lying on your side (left is good for pregnancy, first trimester lying on your back is safe), and propping yourself up with pillows will help.
    Yoga Yoga IYoga
  • Heart Bullet In Yoga we use bolsters (a firm circular pillow) to prop ourselves up, (I have some to borrow, please help yourself at class or just ask). If you are pregnant, have a sore back, knees playing up, anything else going on or just want extra comfort. Please feel free to help yourself to pillows, bolsters and props, or bring a couple of pillows from your home to assist you.
  • Heart Bullet I cannot attempt to watch everyone at once so if something doesn’t feel right for you please listen to your body and gently come out of a posture, don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right. We want to feel a nice stretch but not over stretch, Yoga is all about alignment and getting our energy flowing.
  • Heart Bullet The first couple of classes of a 6 week block start off a little slower remembering basics, setting up in postures with correct alignment. If you already have a Yoga routine where you practice more advanced modifications of a pose, then please allow yourself to sink into poses sooner, hold longer, work at your own pace. If you want to advance more, just stay in the pose a little longer than when I say to come out of it, if it feels super great stay there as long as you need. Listening to your body is what Yoga is all about, I am only the teacher guiding you, you know what is best for your specific body and the longer you practice and learn to listen to your own inner voice this will become ever more apparent. I will of course be watching your correct alignment and may offer suggestions for correct alignment.
  • Heart Bullet A class often starts or ends with a little relaxing temple massage using a natural, herbal ointment from India, most people love this experience but if you don’t want touch included at any class, please just notify the teacher on your way into class. 
  • Heart Bullet At any point throughout class if you need to take rest, Child’s Pose is your go too, prop yourself up with blanket or pillows and just breathe and relax –
    YogaYoga Yoga  Yoga  Yoga
  • Heart Bullet Don’t ever compare yourself to the person next to you on the Yoga mat and in Life, we were all born with different bodies that flex and stretch in different ways naturally, working with your body is all you need to focus on.
  • Heart Bullet During guided relaxation at the start and end of class, you can cool down so please bring a blanket or large towel to pop over yourself for extra warmth and comfit.
  • Heart Bullet Feel free to bring your water bottle to have beside your mat, please leave all other items in your car or at the side of the room.
  • Heart Bullet Socks are great for relaxation at the start and end of class, but they need to come off please for Asana, (our physical posture work), so we don’t slip.
  • Heart Bullet If borrowing mats, the black icon either a heart or star on the mats is on the bottom of mats, it points towards the ground and after class you can freshen the Mat with essential oil spray blend and wipe down to freshen for the next class please. 
  • Heart Bullet We have Eco-friendly Yoga Mats for sale, check out – You can choose your colour, and let us know so we can have it ready for you to purchase at class.
  • Heart Bullet We have a range of other Yoga products for sale, visit our shop at –

If you can try arrive from 10 minutes early to class will be great. Any questions before, during, after class, please just ask!!

There are 3 payment options. You can read more at – Payment is accepted on the night via. Cash only. Or prepaid by Direct Debit in advance (details below) Either commit to a 6 week block for $100 (only valid for 6 consecutive weeks from the start of the next block). Or just a one off Casual Class – $25 Or a 10 Pass – $190, which is 10 casual classes over a 12 month period. Please Direct Debit to Westpac Account Name: Jodie Ross Account Number: 03-1747-0018270-17 Use your Name as the reference please.

New to class?? Please fill in a Client Information Form from –

Namaste. (Namaste is a greeting used in Yoga, I may use it at the beginning or end of class, you’re welcome to say it back at the end of class if it feels right, it can translate to ‘The Beauty in me acknowledges the Beauty in you’).